Railway Reservation System Project In C ~REPACK~

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Railway Reservation System Project In C

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open(“t txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);detail a;while(f read((char *) & a,sizeof(a))){a.. Create id data base2 Add details3 Display details4 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:2Enter your id:berlinEnter the password:*********1.

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amr=tamt-((tamt*20)/100);}else{cout<<“Cancelling after the departuren”;cout<<“Your request cannot be completedn”;}goto h;c.. ……………………… ADMINISTRATOR MENU……………………1 Create detail data base2.

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…………………………………………………………………………………………………Pnr no:10770Train no:123Train name:yercaudBoarding point:erodeDestination pt:chennaiNo of seats reserved:10Passenger name:rajaPassenger age:45Passenger name:raguPassenger age:32Passenger name:raviPassenger age:34Passenger name:vinothPassenger age:23Passenger name:rajuPassenger age:24Passenger name:lathaPassenger age:45Passenger name:malaPassenger age:23Passenger name:vimalaPassenger age:32Passenger name:kathirPassenger age:12Passenger name:kosiPassenger age:43Your class:fDate of reservation:2-2-2009Your concession category:4You must pay:2000*************************************************************************************……………………………….

railway reservation system project in c++

ADMINISTRATOR MENU………………………………1 Create detail data base2.. Admin mode2 User mode3 ExitEnter your choice:1Enter the admininistrator password:*********……………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Once the particular train will be selected, they can fill the information form along with total number of passengers and select appropriate payment source to make their final payment for making final confirmation of their reservation.

railway reservation system project in c pdf

CANCELLATION MENU………n”;cout<<“1 Cancelln2 Return to the main menun”;cout<<“Enter your choice:”;cin>>ch;cout<<endl;switch(ch){case 1:cancell();break;}}while(ch1);getch();}void user(){login a;int ch;cout<<“*****************************************************n”;cout<<“***********WELCOME TO THE USER MENU**n”;cout<<“****************************************************n”;char *password;fstream f;f.. If candidates do not have their account, they can create a new account and after completion allowed to access this system to carry out the task of making their reservation.. close();}h:}void reserve(){int ch;do{cout<<“1 Reserven2 Return to the main menun”;cout<<“Enter your choice:”;cin>>ch;cout<<endl;switch(ch){case 1:res();break;}}while(ch1);getch();}void res(){detail a;reser b;fstream f1,f2;time_t t;f1.. END OF RESERVATION………………………………… *************************************************************************************—————————————————————————————————--———————————-Your ticket is reserved———————————--————————————End of reservation menu——————————-1.. close();getch();h:}void displaypassdetail(){fstream f;reser b;f open(“p txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);f.. Admin moden2 User moden3 Exitn”;cout<<“Enter your choice:”;cin>>ch;cout<<endl;switch(ch){case 1:database();break;case 2:user();break;case 3:exit(0);}}while(ch<=3);getch();}void database(){char *password;char *pass=”12345678″;password=getpass(“Enter the admininistrator password:”);detail a;fstream f;int ch;char c;if(strcmp(pass,password)!=0){cout<<“Enter the password correctly n”;cout<<“You are not permitted to logon this moden”;goto h;}if(strcmp(pass,password)0){char c;do{cout<<“……….. ADMINISTRATOR MENU…………………………………1 Create detail data base2.. c1=a c1-b nosr;f1 write((char *) & a c1,sizeof(a c1));if(b con1){cout<<“Concession category:MILITARY PERSONNELn”;b.. ADMINISTRATOR MENU………………………………………… 1 Create detail data base2.. Pnr no:10770Train no:123Train name:yercaudBoarding point:erodeDestination pt:chennaiYour class:fno of seats to be cancelled:10Passenger name: raja passenger age: 45Passenger name: ragu passenger age: 32Passenger name: ravi passenger age: 34Passenger name: vinoth passenger age: 23Passenger name: raju passenger age: 24Passenger name: latha passenger age:45Passenger name: mala passenger age: 23Passenger name: vimala passenger age: 32Passenger name: kathir passenger age: 12Passenger name: kosi passenger age: 43Date of cancellation:2-3-2009You can collect: 800rs*********************************************************************************…………………………….. Reserven2 Cancelln3 Enquiryn4 Return to the main menun”;cout<<“Enter your choice:”;cin>>ch;cout<<endl;switch(ch){case 1:reserve();break;case 2:cancell();break;case 3:enquiry();break;}}while(ch<=3);goto j;}else{d=1;}}if(d1){cout<<“Enter your user id and password correctlyn”;}getch();j:}void manage(){int ch;fstream f;char c;login a;cout<<“………WELCOME TO THE USER MANAGEMENT MENU…….. nosr*amt;}f2 write((char *) & b,sizeof(b));b displayresdet();cout<<“—————————————n”;cout<<“——–Your ticket is reserved——–n”;cout<<“————End of reservation———n”;}else{cout<<“********Sorry req no of seats not available*******n”;}}getch();goto h;}else{flag=0;}}if(flag0){cout<<“…………Wrong train no………………….. getresdet();while(f1 read((char *) &a,sizeof(a))){if(a tnob tno){if(strcmp(b.. Create detail data base2 Add details3 Display details4 User management5 Display passenger details6.. displayresdet();cout<<“——————————————————n”;cout<<“————–Your ticket is reserved———–n”;cout<<“—————–End of reservation menu——-n”;}else{cout<<“**********Sorry req seats not available********n”;}}else if(strcmp(b.. open(“cn txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);cout<<“**********CANCELLATION MENU*********n”;c.. Download ProjectRailway Reservation System Abstract//Railway Reservation System#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#includechar f[10]=”f”;char s[10]=”s”;int addr,ad,flag,f1,d,m,i,amt;float tamt;class login{public:char id[100];char pass[100];char *password;void getid(){cout<<“Enter your id:”;gets(id);password=getpass(“Enter the password:”); // password is : ‘12345678’strcpy(pass,password);}void displayid(){cout<<“Id:”;puts(id);cout<<“Password:”;puts(pass);}};class detail{public:int tno;char tname[100];char bp[100];char dest[100];int c1,c1fare;int c2,c2fare;int d,m,y;void getdetail(){cout<<“Enter the details as followsn”;cout<>tno;cout<<“Train name:”;gets(tname);cout<<“Boarding point:”;gets(bp);cout<<“Destination pt:”;gets(dest);cout<<“No of seats in first class & fare per ticket:”;cin>>c1>>c1fare;cout<<“No of seats in second class & fare per ticket:”;cin>>c2>>c2fare;cout<>d>>m>>y;}void displaydetail(){cout<<tno<<“t”<<tname<<“t”<<bp<<“t”<<dest<<“t”;cout<<c1<<“t”<<c1fare<<“t”<<c2<<“t”<<c2fare<<“t”;cout<<d<<“-“<<m<<“-“<<y<<“t”<<endl;}};class reser{public:int pnr;int tno;char tname[100];char bp[10];char dest[100];char pname[10][100];int age[20];char clas[10];int nosr;int i;int d,m,y;int con;float amc;void getresdet(){cout<<“Enter the details as followsn”;cout<>tno;cout<<“Train name:”;gets(tname);cout<<“Boarding point:”;gets(bp);cout<<“Destination pt:”;gets(dest);cout<>nosr;for(i=0;i<nosr ;i++){cout<<“Passenger name:”;gets(pname[i]);cout<>age[i];}cout<<“Enter the class f-first class s-second class:”;gets(clas);cout<>d>>m>>y;cout<<“Enter the concession categoryn”;cout<<“1.. Admin mode2 User mode3 ExitEnter your choice:2**********************************************************************************WELCOME TO THE USER MENU********************************************************************************************Enter your id:ashwinEnter your password:*********Enter your user id and password correctly^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MAIN MENU^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1.. ……………………… ADMINISTRATOR MENU…………………………….. clas,f)0){while(f1 read((char *) & a,sizeof(a))){if(a tnoc tno){a c1=a c1+c nosc;d=a.. amc=b nosr*((amt*60)/100);}else if(b con3){cout<<“Concession category:CHILDERN BELOW FIVEn”;b.. 1 Create detail data base2 Add details3 Display details4 User management5 Display passenger details6.. Among various organization our Indian railway network also deals and process bulk data every day.. Admin mode2 User mode3 ExitEnter your choice:1Enter the admininistrator password:*********……………………….. txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app);f seekg(0);while(f read((char *) & a,sizeof(a))){a.. WELCOME TO RAILWAY RESERVATION SYSTEM…………………~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MAIN MENU^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1.. seekg(0);while(f read((char *) & a,sizeof(a))){a displayid();}f close();break;}}while(ch<=3);getch();}/*OUTPUT:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…….. amc=b nosr*((amt*60)/100);}else if(b con3){cout<<“Concession category:CHILDERN BELOW FIVEn”;b.. Create id data base2 Add details3 Display details4 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:4.. Admin mode2 User mode3 ExitEnter your choice:2********************************************************************************WELCOME TO THE USER MENU****************************************************************************************Enter your id:ashwinEnter your password:*********1.. c1,sizeof(a c1));tamt=b amc;if((c dd)&&(c mm)){cout<<“You are cancelling at the date of departuren”;c.. END OF GETTING DETAILS…………………………You cannot get any concession……………………………………………………………………………………………….. close();break;case 2:f open(“id txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app);a.. Display detailsn4 User managementn”;cout<<“5 Display passenger detailsn6.. tnoc tno){a c2=a c2+c nosc;d=a d;m=a m;addr=f1 tellg();ad=sizeof(a c2);f1 seekp(addr-(5*ad));f1.. END OF GETTING DETAILS…………………………… …………………………Wrong train no…………………………………………………….. clas,f)0){if(a c1>=b nosr){amt=a c1fare;addr=f1 tellg();ad=sizeof(a c1);f1 seekp(addr-(7*ad));a.. Reserve2 Cancell3 Enquiry4 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:11 Reserve2 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:1Enter the details as followsTrain no:123Train name:yercaudBoarding point:erodeDestination pt:chennaiNo of seats required:10Passenger name:rajaPassenger age:45Passenger name:raguPassenger age:32Passenger name:raviPassenger age:34Passenger name:vinothPassenger age:23Passenger name:rajuPassenger age:24Passenger name:lathaPassenger age:45Passenger name:malaPassenger age:23Passenger name:vimalaPassenger age:32Passenger name:kathirPassenger age:12Passenger name:kosiPassenger age:43Enter the class f-first class s-second class:fDate of travel:2 2 2009Enter the concession category1.. open(“id txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);char id[100];puts(“Enter your id:”);gets(id);password=getpass(“Enter your password:”);while(f.. Among various tasks performed within this organization reservation of tickets is also a common task which takes place every day, so to manage this task efficiently, a new computer oriented system is required.. Add details3 Display details4 User management5 Display passenger details6 Return to main menuEnter your choice:5.. Return to main menun”;cout<<“Enter your choice:”;cin>>ch;cout<<endl;switch(ch){case 1:f.. Return to the main menuEnter your choice:4^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MAIN MENU^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1.. open(“t txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);f2 open(“p txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app);int ch;b.. open(“t txt”,ios::out|ios::binary);do{a getdetail();f write((char *) & a,sizeof(a));cout<<“Do you want to add one more record?n”;cout<<“y-for Yesnn-for Non”;cin>>c;}while(c’y’);f.. close();break;case 2:f open(“t txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app);a.. Leave a CommentThe project report of Mr RAJIW KUMAR RAILWAY RESERVATION SYSTEM is approved.. If existing passengers have their account, they can access it by using their passenger id and password.. WELCOME TO RAILWAY RESERVATION SYSTEM……… n”;cout<<“~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n”;do{cout<<“^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MAIN MENU^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^n”;cout<<“1.. WELCOME TO THE USER MANAGEMENT MENU…… 1 Create id data base2 Add details3 Display details4.. n”;cout<<“***********************************************n”;}};class canc{public:int pnr;int tno;char tname[100];char bp[10];char dest[100];char pname[10][100];int age[20];int i;char clas[10];int nosc;int d,m,y;float amr;void getcancdet(){cout<<“Enter the details as followsn”;cout<>pnr;cout<>d>>m>>y;cout<<“……….. END OF GETTING DETAILS……………………………… You are cancelling at the date of departure………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. displaydetail();}f close();break;case 4:manage();break;case 5:displaypassdetail();break;}}while(ch<=5);f.. clas,s)0){if(a c2>=b nosr){amt=a c2fare;addr=f1 tellg();ad=sizeof(a c2);f1 seekp(addr-(5*ad));a.. Military2 Senior citizen3 Children below 5 yrs4 None4…………………………….. read((char *) & a,sizeof(a))){if((strcmp(a id,id)0)&&(strcmp(a pass,password)0)){do{cout<<“1.. Reserve2 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:21 Reserve2 Cancell3 Enquiry4 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:3Trno Trname Bpt Dest Fs Ffare Ss Sfare Date of dep123 yercaud exp erode chennai 90 200 200 100 2-3-2009124 shatapti exp chennai bombay 300 200 200 300 4-5-2009126 kurula exp bombay chennai 200 300 300 200 4-3-20091.. Reserve2 Cancell3 Enquiry4 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:2**************************CANCELLATION MENU***************************Enter the details as followsPnr no:12234Date of cancellation:2 3 2009………………………END OF GETTING DETAILS……………………………….. In order to maintain privacy and security for each customers, each customers will have a valid login id and password to access their account and using their particular, they will able to make their reservation.. nosr*amt;}srand((unsigned) time(&t));b pnr=rand();f2 write((char *) & b,sizeof(b));b.. Add details3 Display details4 User management5 Display passenger details6 Return to main menuEnter your choice:5.. ADMINISTRATOR MENU……… n”;cout<<“1 Create detail data basen2 Add detailsn”;cout<<“3.. Reserve2 Cancell3 Enquiry4 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:3Trno Trname Bpt Dest Fs Ffare Ss Sfare Date of dep123 yercaud exp erode chennai 100 200 200 100 2-3-2009124 shatapti exp chennai bombay 300 200 200 300 4-5-2009126 kurula exp bombay chennai 200 300 300 200 4-3-20091.. To make the processing task easier and saving correct information into the file system will help this organization to grow more and more and supports in our Indian economy growth.. Return to the main menuEnter your choice:1Enter your id:ashwinEnter the password:**********Do you want to add one more recordy-Yesn-NoyEnter your id:ajinthEnter the password:**********Do you want to add one more recordy-Yesn-NoyEnter your id:balaEnter the password:********Do you want to add one more recordy-Yesn-NoyEnter your id:hemanthEnter the password:*********Do you want to add one more recordy-Yesn-Non1.. Enter the correct pnr no1 Reserve2 Cancell3 Enquiry4 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:3Trno Trname Bpt Dest Fs Ffare Ss Sfare Date of dep123 yercaud exp erode chennai 100 200 200 100 2-3-2009124 shatapti exp chennai bombay 300 200 200 300 4-5-2009126 kurula exp bombay chennai 200 300 300 200 4-3-20091.. displaycancdet();}}}}else{flag=0;}}h:if(flag0){cout<<“Enter the correct pnr non”;}f1.. Add details3 Display details4 User management5 Display passenger details6 Return to main menuEnter your choice:1Enter the details as followsTrain no:123Train name:yercaud expBoarding point:erodeDestination pt:chennaiNo of seats in first class & fare per ticket:100 200No of seats in second class & fare per ticket:200 100Date of travel:2 3 2009Do you want to add one more record?y-for Yesn-for NoyEnter the details as followsTrain no:124Train name:shatapti expBoarding point:chennaiDestination pt:bombayNo of seats in first class & fare per ticket:300 200No of seats in second class & fare per ticket:200 300Date of travel:4 5 2009Do you want to add one more record?y-for Yesn-for Non……………………….. displaydetail();}getch();}void cancell(){detail a;reser b;canc c;fstream f1,f2,f3;f1.. seekg(0);while(f read((char *) & b,sizeof(b))){b displayresdet();}f close();getch();}void enquiry(){fstream f;f.. Add details3 Display details4 User management5 Display passenger details6 Return to main menuEnter your choice:4…………………….. Reserve2 Cancell3 Enquiry4 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:11 Reserve2 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:1Enter the details as followsTrain no:12345Train name:shataptiBoarding point:chennaiDestination pt:bombayNo of seats required:1Passenger name:rajaPassenger age:23Enter the class f-first class s-second class:fDate of travel:3 2 2009Enter the concession category1.. C ('C plus plus') is a general-purpose programming language Project ObjectiveAutomatic processing plays vital role for bulk amount of data and even that generating correct results and displaying correct information is one of the challenging task in this technological era.. amc=b nosr*((amt*50)/100);}else if(b con2){cout<<“Concession category:SENIOR CITIZENn”;b.. open(“t txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);f2 open(“p txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);f3.. n”;cout<<“*****************************************n”;}};void manage();void can();void user();void database();void res();void reserve();void displaypassdetail();void cancell();void enquiry();void main(){clrscr();int ch;cout<<“~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n”;cout<<“…….. …………………………Enter the train no from the data base…………………….. amr=tamt-((tamt*60)/100);}else if(c mm){cout<<“You are cancelling at the month of departuren”;c.. Return to the main menun”;cout<<“Enter your choice:”;cin>>ch;cout<<endl;switch(ch){case 1:f.. amr=tamt-((tamt*50)/100);}else if(m>c m){cout<<“You are cancelling one month before the date of departuren”;c.. ADMINISTRATOR MENU………………………………1 Create detail data base2.. getcancdet();while(f2 read((char *) & b,sizeof(b))){if(b pnrc pnr){c tno=b tno;strcpy(c.. d;m=a m;addr=f1 tellg();ad=sizeof(a c1);f1 seekp(addr-(7*ad));f1 write((char *) & a.. amr=tamt-((tamt*60)/100);}else if(c mm){cout<<“You are cancelling at the month of departuren”;c.. Add details3 Display details4 User management5 Display passenger details6 Return to main menuEnter your choice:2Enter the details as followsTrain no:126Train name:kurula expBoarding point:bombayDestination pt:chennaiNo of seats in first class & fare per ticket:200 300No of seats in second class & fare per ticket:300 200Date of travel:4 3 2009……………………….. Admin mode2 User mode3 ExitEnter your choice:1Enter the admininistrator password:*********Enter the password correctlyYou are not permitted to logon this mode^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MAIN MENU^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1.. Admin mode2 User mode3 Exit^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MAIN MENU^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1.. 1 Reserve2 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:21 Reserve2 Cancell3 Enquiry4.. n”;do{cout<<“1 Create id data basen2 Add detailsn”;cout<<“3 Display detailsn4.. displaycancdet();}}}else if(strcmp(c clas,s)0){while(f1 read((char *) & a,sizeof(a))){if(a.. nosc;j++){strcpy(c pname[j],b pname[j]);c age[j]=b age[j];}strcpy(c clas,b clas);if(strcmp(c.. n”;cout<<“…………………………………… n”;cout<<“Pnr no:”<<pnr;cout<<“nTrain no:”<<tno;cout<<“nTrain name:”;puts(tname);cout<<“Boarding point:”;puts(bp);cout<<“Destination pt:”;puts(dest);cout<<“nYour class:”;puts(clas);cout<<“no of seats to be cancelled:”<<nosc;for(i=0;i<nosc;i++){cout<<“Passenger name:”;puts(pname[i]);cout<<“passenger age:”<<age[i];}cout<<“nDate of cancellation:”<<d<<“-“<<m<<“-“<<y;cout<<“nYou can collect:”<<amr<<“rs”<<endl;cout<<“*****************************************n”;cout<<“………END OF CANCELLATION………….. tname,b tname);strcpy(c bp,b bp);strcpy(c dest,b dest);c nosc=b nosr;for(int j=0;j<c.. END OF GETTING DETAILS……… n”;}void displaycancdet(){cout<<“…………………………………….. Existing SystemExisting Railway Reservation System not having feature of displaying appropriate messages for events and errors which occurs while accessing the system.. Proper payment has been implemented and provided within the system, to make secure payment and keep their payment resources secured.. Proper validation and session has not been set up by which it system not able to identify and differentiate users, so cannot be used appropriately for multi user environment.. END OF CANCELLATION………………………… *********************************************************************************1.. ADMINISTRATOR MENU………………………………… 1 Create detail data base2.. ……………………… ADMINISTRATOR MENU…………………………… 1.. amr=tamt-((tamt*50)/100);}else if(m>c m){cout<<“You are cancelling one month before the date of departuren”;c.. amc=b nosr*((amt*50)/100);}else if(b con2){cout<<“Concession category:SENIOR CITIZENn”;b.. This Railway Reservation System do not able to provide the details of customers transactions and their payment mode along with date, time and processing charges details.. getid();f write((char *) & a,sizeof(a));f close();break;case 3:f open(“id txt”,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);f.. amc=0 0;}else if(b con4){cout<<“You cannot get any concessionn”;b amc=b.. Create id data base2 Add details3 Display details4 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:3Id:ashwinPassword:11111111Id:ajinthPassword:22222222Id:balaPassword:33333333Id:premPassword:44444444Id:hemanthPassword:55555555Id:berlinPassword:666666661.. amc=0 0;}else if(b con4){cout<<“You cannot get any concessionn”;b amc=b.. c2=a c2-b nosr;f1 write((char *) & a c2,sizeof(a c2));if(b con1){cout<<“Concession category:MILITARY PRESONNELn”;b.. Militaryn2 Senior citizenn”;cout<<“3 Children below 5 yrsn4 Nonen”;cin>>con;cout<<“…………END OF GETTING DETAILS…………n”;}void displayresdet(){cout<<“……………………………………….. Admin mode2 User mode3 ExitEnter your choice:3 */. Using the concepts of object oriented programming, this project has been divided into different modules which is to be carried out by classes and methods and final touch given by the objects which are allowed to access their variables and methods of a particular class.. Military2 Senior citizen3 Children below 5 yrs4 None4……………………………….. open(“id txt”,ios::out|ios::binary);do{a getid();f write((char *) & a,sizeof(a));cout<<“Do you want to add one more recordn”;cout<<“y-Yesnn-Non”;cin>>c;}while(c’y’);f.. Add details3 Display details4 User management5 Display passenger details6 Return to main menuEnter your choice:3Trno Trname Bpt Dest Fs Ffare Ss Sfare Date of dep123 yercaud exp erode chennai 100 200 200 100 2-3-2009124 shatapti exp chennai bombay 300 200 200 300 4-5-2009126 kurula exp bombay chennai 200 300 300 200 4-3-2009……………………….. Reserve2 Cancell3 Enquiry4 Return to the main menuEnter your choice:2*********************************CANCELLATION MENU******************************Enter the details as followsPnr no:10770Date of cancellation:2 3 2009……………………………………….. Return to main menuEnter your choice:6^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MAIN MENU^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1.. It does not able to provide availability details to the passengers and system can only be used, when passengers know the train details along with their processing and charges details.. Making changes in information and perform administrative task was not possible while using existing system.. amr=tamt-((tamt*20)/100);}else{cout<<“Cancelling after the departuren”;cout<<“Your request cannot be completedn”;}goto h;c.. close();f2 close();f3 close();getch();}void can(){int ch;do{cout<<“…………….. Proposed SystemWhile using with this new Railway Reservation System , passengers will be provided with two options at this project home page and these two are: – Register and Login.. n”;cout<<“……Enter the train no from the database……n”;}f1 close();f2.. n”;cout<<“……………………………………… n”;cout<<“Pnr no:”<<pnr;cout<<“nTrain no:”<<tno;cout<<“nTrain name:”;puts(tname);cout<<“Boarding point:”;puts(bp);cout<<“Destination pt:”;puts(dest);cout<<“No of seats reserved:”<<nosr;for(i=0;i<nosr;i++){cout<<“Passenger name:”;puts(pname[i]);cout<<“Passenger age:”<<age[i];}cout<<“nYour class:”;puts(clas);cout<<“nDate of reservation:”<<d<<“-“<<m<<“-“<<y;cout<<“nYour concession category:”<<con;cout<<“nYou must pay:”<<amc<<endl;cout<<“***********************************************n”;cout<<“………END OF RESERVATION…………….. write((char *) & a c2,sizeof(a c2));tamt=b amc;if((c dd)&&(c mm)){cout<<“You are cancelling at the date of departuren”;c.. Passengers will be allowed to search between source and destination and check availability of seats on particular date.. Return to main menuEnter your choice:6^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MAIN MENU^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1.. getdetail();f write((char *) & a,sizeof(a));f close();break;case 3:f open(“t.


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